Languages: English Türkçe

General Information

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Farabi Exchange Programme enables university students to continue their education at an institution of higher education other than their own during a period of one or two semesters. With this programme, students from different universities exchange their knowledge and take advantage of facilities offered at such institutions. During their graduation, students are given a Certificate of Participation, indicating that the student participated in the Farabi Exchange Programme.

Programme requirements

This programme is open to the students who are enrolled in higher education institutions. However, students who are in preparatory class and in first year of associate degree programmes and undergraduate programmes are not able to participate in. Graduate and postgraduate students cannot enroll in this programme in their preparatory year, academic preparatory year and first semester of actual education. Another condition is to have grade point average of 2.00 and above 2.00 out of 4. Post graduate students must have grade point average of 2.50.

How to apply

In order for students to apply for that programme, there must be an exchange protocol signed between the actual university of a student and the university he or she is willing to go under that program, and if such protocol exists, the department to which the student is to apply must have vacancy. If such vacancy is available, that student may fill in required application forms and apply to Farabi Programme offices. Students may obtain such information and forms from both the website of Farabi Exchange Programme and Farabi coordination offices of their own universities. Evaluation is made based on students’ grade point average. The points are listed in descending order and students are placed in vacancies. For instance, if there are 5 vacancies, 5 students with highest grade point average are entitled to participate in the Farabi Programme. If the university to be enrolled under that programme is offering education in foreign language, 50% of grade point average and 50% of foreign language grade point are taken as basis.